Allah (swt) commands the Prophet (saws) to glorify his Lord over what the idolaters were saying about Him (swt). He is commanded not to be worried about the oppression and tyranny of the disbelieves of Mecca. For Allah (swt) is the All Great. When the Prophet (saws) got up from his bed, he said ‘‘Allah is the All Great‘‘, so Khadija also glorify Allah (swt) and knew that he had received the Revelation. What is meant by glorifying Allah (swt) is not just proclaiming His Greateness by tongue, rather it should be also by the heart. For His Greatness in the heart of the believers is greater than anyghing or anyone. Thus, (Allah is the Greatest) is the slogan for calling to prayer. Therefore, we should glorify Allah and make Him greater than anything prone to change. Allah (swt) is the gretest, glorifying Him means to prioritize His commands and prohibitions over any other command. By doing so, you will strengthen yourself by His Power which He gives only to those who sincerely worship Him.