الآية رقم (4) - وَامْرَأَتُهُ حَمَّالَةَ الْحَطَبِ

(4) - (And his wife [as well] - the carrier of firewood. (4))

His wife, Um Jamil, had very high status and a noble lineage. Her name is Arwa Bint Harb Bint Umayyah, sister of Abu Sufyan.

She has not sufficed with her husbands’ animus acts towards the Prophet (saws) and his message, rather, she played a very big role in confronting and harming the Prophet (saws) and his message depending on her husband’s wealth and on her brother’s high rank in Quraysh. So, she did not refrain from her hatred and animosity against the Prophet (saws).

Some scholars said that she was in reality a carrier of wood; Abu Lahab was the neighbour of Prophet’s (saws). Um Jamil used to carry firewood and throw them in the path of the Prophet (saws) to harm him.

Other scholars interpreted that (carrying of firewood) is a metaphor of tattling as she was indeed practicing it, hence, as if she was carrying the wood to burn herself and people around her, as she was known of being envious, malevolent, and backbiter, which are of the most serious reasons to cause animosity between people.