الآية رقم (6) - فَأَمَّا مَن ثَقُلَتْ مَوَازِينُهُ

(6) - (Then as for one whose scales are heavy, (6))

As for the one whose good deeds are more than his bad ones.

The scale of Allah (swt) is precise and just. Those, whose good deeds are heavy, are the winners and the succeeded in Paradise. While those who sold themselves to Satan and to their self-desires, whose bad deeds are heavy, they will be the companions of the Fire.

We note that Allah (swt) uses the plural form of (scales, why?

Because there may be a scale of each type of deed, prayer has a scale, spending of money has a scale, the Hajj has a scale…. Then these scales will be collected together.

Hence, Allah (swt) is saying that whose good deeds are heavy will be entered to Paradise where they will be in pleasant life. This verse indicates that the deeds will have weight and size so that they are seen.