الآية رقم (15) - هَلْ أتَاكَ حَدِيثُ مُوسَى

(15) - (Has there reached you the story of Moses? (15))

Some people – due to their lack of understanding of the Book of Allah, its rulings and its miraculous style of expression – believe that there is a disconnection here. They believe that there is a lack of succession of thoughts and opinion, God forbid! This saying is rejected as the one who utters it does not know the Holy Qur’an well. If he really knows it, he would understand the reason behind this abrupt change in topic.

Verify, there is no disconnection whatsoever in the Holy Qur’an. This is because, it is The Word of Allah (swt) for mankind. Through it, He addresses the faculties given to mankind. It is not a book of physics or chemistry nor is it a book of science, albeit all the scientific verses and universal signs found in it. So, when Allah (swt) speaks of a matter He (swt) brings with it the proofs from the real life of mankind. He (swt) also consoles the heart of the Prophet (saws) by mentioning the stories of the Prophets. Allah (swt) says:

 ﴾لَقَدْ كَانَ فِي قَصَصِهِمْ عِبْرَةٌ لِّأُولِي الْأَلْبَابِ ﴿

(In their stories is a lesson for those who possess intelligence..)
(Yusuf: 111)

These stories are unlike the stories made up by human beings which consist of openings, plots, characters and happenings connected to the hero of the story. However, heroism in the stories of the Holy Qur’an revolves around faith, the purpose of faith and employing the historical occurrences for the purpose of faith.

In the previous verses, the speech was about the happenings in the Resurrection Day, so what is the connection between them and the story of the Prophet Musa (pbuh)?

The answer is: Allah (swt) speaks of the events of the Day of Reckoning in which mankind will be met with the rewards for their actions, He (swt) brings one of the stories which has happened to them in the worldly life. Through this story and its outcomes, the Holy Qur’an demonstrates that the reckoning in the hereafter will be worse than what has happened in the world, and it warns people against believing that the reckoning is only here in this world and not there. As such, the one who has escaped from the justice of the Earth will never escape from the justice of the Heavens.

They are very concise words via which Allah (swt) expresses accurately all that has happened and the faith which is required to face the happenings of the Day of Judgement through the Qur’anic flow.

What is the story of Musa?”: