(… وَلِلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا بِرَبِّهِمْ عَذَابُ جَهَنَّمَ) (And for those who disbelieved in their Lord is the punishment of Hell, …): While the Blaze is the punishment of the devils, the Hell is the punishment of the disbelievers. This punishment which begins with hearing the inhaling sound while boiling.
(… سَمِعُوا لَهَا شَهِيقًا… ) (…they hear from it a [dreadful] inhaling …): The inhalation is the power which pulls the air into nose and chest. So. What can we imagine about the power of Hell which pulls and drags the people who are destined to be punished from the disbelieves? This Hell itself replies to Allah (swt)’s question as indicated in this verse:
يَوْمَ نَقُولُ لِجَهَنَّمَ هَلِ امْتَلَأْتِ وَتَقُولُ هَلْ مِن مَّزِيدٍ
(On the Day We will say to Hell, “Have you been filled?” and it will say, “Are there some more,”) (Qaaf: 30)
Hence, it is the power of Hell that Allah (swt) has created in it, this power calls for punishing more disbelievers and inhales those who are destined to enter it. However, inhalation of air happens faster than the exhalation, so the Hell inhales to swallow the disbelievers, who it waited for and yearned for them. The Hell also exhales, as Allah (swt) says:
إِذَا رَأَتْهُم مِّن مَّكَانٍ بَعِيدٍ سَمِعُوا لَهَا تَغَيُّظًا وَزَفِيرًا
(When the Hellfire sees them from a distant place, they will hear its fury and roaring.) (Al-Furqan: 12)
However, those who enter Hell will also inhales and exhales:
فَأَمَّا الَّذِينَ شَقُوا فَفِي النَّارِ لَهُمْ فِيهَا زَفِيرٌ وَشَهِيقٌ
(As for those who were [destined to be] wretched, they will be in the Fire. For them therein is [violent] exhaling and inhaling.) (Hud: 106)
As we know those who inhale in Hel will take in hot air and consequently, will send out hot air. Can you imagine how does that will happen?
( وَهِيَ تَفُورُ… ) (…while it boils up): Indicating that it reaches the boiling degree, exactly as water does. Water contains air, given the fact that fish breathe in water. When the water boils, we see bubbles come to the surface.
This whole scene is very dreadful; how the Hell inhales and boils. Allah (swt) describes this destiny of the disbelievers by saying:
(… وَلِلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا بِرَبِّهِمْ عَذَابُ جَهَنَّمَ ۖ وَبِئْسَ الْمَصِيرُ) (And for those who disbelieved in their Lord is the punishment of Hell, and wretched is the destination …): Destination is the final place of everything. Here it expresses the worst residence. Allah (swt) says:
يُرِيدُونَ أَن يَخْرُجُوا مِنَ النَّارِ وَمَا هُم بِخَارِجِينَ مِنْهَا ۖ وَلَهُمْ عَذَابٌ مُّقِيمٌ
(They will wish to get out of the Fire, but never are they to emerge therefrom, and for them is an enduring punishment.) (Al-Maida: 37)
Hence, the punishment of the disbelievers is permanent. It is a painful torment that never alleviates, likewise it is a humiliating punishment that its humiliation will never ends. In both cases, this torment is their lasting residence.