تفسير سورة التوبة

Surah At- Tawbah

Surah At- Tawbah has multiple names and it is among the last few Surah or revelation. It is the only one among the 114 Surahs that does not begin with “In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.” It is known that “In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful” is the first verse in Surah Al-Fatiha.

You must begin reciting all the Surahs of the Quran with: “In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful”, because the Prophet Muhammad (saws) said:

 “Every important matter that does not begin with ‘Bismillah’ is cut off”[1]

Meaning incomplete or lacking. This is one aspect. As for the other aspect, when you read the Holy Quran, you are reciting with the secrets of Allah in it, thus you read it in the name of Allah, the Exalted. When Gabriel descended, the first word he said was:

 اقْرَأْ بِاسْمِ رَبِّكَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ

(Recite in the name of your Lord who created) (Al-‘Alaq: 1)

Therefore, “Bismillah” (In the name of Allah) is present in all Surahs of the Quran except for Surah At-Tawbah. The question now is: Why didn’t Surah At-Tawbah begin with “Bismillah”? Scholars explain that Surah At-Tawbah declares disassociation from the agreements made with the polytheists. Allah and the Messenger disavow the contracts and treaties with the polytheists, which the latter had violated. Therefore, the Surah begins directly with a declaration of disassociation without the phrase “Bismillah.” Allah, in this case, prohibited the guarantee of safety (Aman) for them, and “Bismillah” signifies safety. And Allah knows best.

This surah is known by several names:

  • At-Tawbah (The Repentance): Named after the granting of repentance from Allah (swt) for the three Companions who lagged behind the Prophet Muhammad (saws) during the Tabuk expedition. They were Ka’b ibn Malik, Murarah ibn ar-Rabi’, and Hilal ibn Umayyah. They had regretted their lagging behind the Prophet (saws).
  • Bara’ah: As it starts with a declaration of disassociation from the agreements made with the polytheists.
  • Al-Faadhihah: Because it exposes the deeds of the hypocrites and polytheists.
  • Al-Muqashqashah: The term “muqashqasha” implies clearing or absolution, indicating that it absolves from hypocrisy.
  • Al-Munaqqirah: Meaning the one that discloses, as it reveals what lies in the hearts of the polytheists and hypocrites.
  • Al-Haafirah: Because it digs into the hearts of the hypocrites.
  • Al-Muba’thirah: Because it scatters what is in the hearts of the hypocrites.
  • Al-Mutheerah: Because it exposes the faults of the hypocrites.
  • Al-Musharridah: The one that disperses the hypocrites, driving them apart.
  • Al-Munakkilah: That punishes the hypocrites.
  • Al-Mudamdimah: The one that brings destruction.
  • Al-‘Adzab: Due to the repeated mention of punishment in it.

Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “Revelations continued to come down in this Surah, containing (And among them, and among them, and among them), until we were afraid that none of us would be left out.

It is as if this Surah tracked the movements of hypocrisy in society, monitoring the hypocrites, polytheists, and Jews, and their violations of the covenants with the Messenger of Allah (saws) in the battles of Badr, Uhud, and the Trench. Afterward, the Prophet (saws) signed the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah with the polytheists, considering it beneficial for the Muslims. The days that followed, proved the correctness of this decision, even though they were strong enough to forcibly enter Mecca. The treaty was signed when the Prophet (saws) went out for performing the Umrah, which was called Umrah al-Hudaybiyyah. When he reached the outskirts of Mecca at a place called Hudaybiyyah, Suhail ibn Amr, representing the Quraisy, came and negotiated with the Prophet (saws) drafting the terms of the treaty.

Following the treaty, many tribes that had embraced Islam entered into a covenant with the Prophet (saws), and many tribes also entered into a covenant with Quraysh. The tribe of Khuza’a allied with the Prophet (saws), and Banu Bakr allied with Quraysh. However, Banu Bakr violated the alliance by assisting Quraysh against Khuza’a one night. Amr ibn Salim al-Khuza’i, the poet, then came to the Prophet (saws) and recited:

O Lord, I call upon Muhammad,

By the old pact of our fathers

You were a father to us, and we were sons,

And then we embraced Islam,

And therein still we remain.

So aid us, may Allah guide you,

With the firmest aid,

And allow Allah’s servants to come in droves.

Quraysh have indeed broken their promises to you,

And violated your avowed pledges

They have plotted against us with all their cunning,

And slain us even as we bowed and prostrated!

When the Messenger of Allah (saws) heard this, he said: “You have found support, O’Amr ibn Salim.” At that moment, a cloud passed in the sky, and the Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “This cloud is the beginning of the victory of Banu Ka’b.” The Messenger of Allah (saws) ordered the people to prepare for fighting, while he kept the destination secret. He prayed to Allah (swt) to keep their movements hidden from the Quraysh so that they could surprise them in their own lands. So, this great Surah came to nullify and break the covenants, serving as an introduction to the Farewell Pilgrimage. After the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, Muslims were performing Hajj alongside both Muslims and polytheists. When the Quraysh violated and broke the covenant, attacked Khuzā‘ah, and the events unfolded, Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) led a delegation for Hajj to Mecca as part of the covenant. Then, Surah Bara’ah was revealed, declaring the violation of the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah. The Prophet, (saws), sent Imam Ali (may Allah honor his face) with Surah Bara’ah to recite it publicly during the pilgrimage season, thereby severing these covenants with Quraysh.

[1] Thobaqat Asy-Syafi’iyyah Al-Kubra: Hadith no. 3