تفسير سورة الأنفال

Surah Al-Anfaal

Surah Al-Anfal is one of the Surahs revealed in Al-Madina Al-Munawwara, after Prophet Muhammad (saws) migrated from Mecca to Al-Madina Al-Munawwara. By referring to the Holy Quran as Meccan or Medinan, we distinguish between the periods when revelations came to the Prophet (saws). The Meccan verses and Surahs were revealed during his (saws) time in Mecca, revealed to him (saws) in a specific order by Angel Gabriel (PBUH). While the Medinan ones were revealed after the Prophet (saws) migrated to Al-Medina and settled there.   

This surah was revealed in the context of the significant Battle of Badr, which stands as the most pivotal battle in Islam. It took place during the blessed month of Ramadan and marked the first encounter between truth and falsehood. We will delve into the verses related to all that transpired in this momentous faith-based battle later on.

Indeed, this surah is also known as Surah Badr due to the majority of its verses revolving around the Battle of Badr. Given the significance of this battle and the valuable lessons embedded in its verses. This battle which served as the foundation for the subsequent victories, empowerment on the land, and the flourishing of civilization. This Surah explains the concept of bounties of war, providing insights into its definition and significance.