الآية رقم (130) - وَإِن يَتَفَرَّقَا يُغْنِ اللّهُ كُلاًّ مِّن سَعَتِهِ وَكَانَ اللّهُ وَاسِعًا حَكِيمًا

(130) - {But if they separate [by divorce], Allah will enrich each [of them] from His abundance. And ever is Allah Encompassing and Wise.}

When the conciliation becomes impossible, then divorce is the choice, taking into consideration that it is of all the lawful acts the most detestable to Allah (swt).

( يُغْنِ اللَّهُ كُلًّا مِّن سَعَتِهِ ) (…Allah will enrich each [of them] from His abundance.…): The abundance of Allah (swt) is suffices all people, for the mane may marry another woman and she may marry a different man, same as the case of the gifts and bounties of Allah (swt) which are sufficient for all the human beings, this is the religion of mercy.