الآية رقم (4) - وَرَفَعْنَا لَكَ ذِكْرَكَ

(4) - (And raised high for you your repute. (4))

This verse was revealed in Mekkah, so what is the repute that Allah (swt) has raised for him, whereas he (saws) was not able to pray at the Ka’bah and he was sieged and pursued!! The answer is: This is one of the miracles of the Holy Qur’an.

The Adhan (call for prayer) was not made obligatory in Makkah, rather, in Madinah; Allah (swt) associated His great name with the name of His Messenger, in Adhan we say: (I witness that there is no God but Allah, and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah), in every Iqamah (call for the prayer) and in the Tashahud (an act in the prayer), in Friday day , on the pulpits, on Eid days, on Arafat Day, during throwing the Jimar (stones) and at Safa and Marwa in Haj and in every place, house and habitant we pray upon the Prophet (saws) and his name is raised at all times and places. Verify, whoever Allah (swt) raises his name, no human can stop it.