الآية رقم (29) - فَادْخُلِي فِي عِبَادِي

(29) - (And enter among My [righteous] servants (29))

Meet the other righteous slaves of Allah (swt), who no fear is concerning them, nor will they grieve. Abdullah Ibn Omar (May Allah be pleased with him) said:

(When the believer dies, Allah sends to him two angels with a cloth from the Paradise and fragrance from the Paradise, Saying to him: O’ tranquil soul , come out with the mercy of Allah, fragrance and a Lord Who is not angry; excellent what you have done, so it comes out like the best fragrance of musk one of you may feel in his nose, and in all the sky there are angels saying: Exalted is Allah, today a best fragrance came from the earth, so whenever it passes by doors they open and whenever passes by angels they bless it and Intercede until it is brought to Allah, then the angels prostrate towards Him, saying: O our Lord, this is you slave so-called , we caused him death and You are the well-knowing of him, so He said: Ask him to prostrate, so the soul prostates, then Michael is called , saying to him: Let this soul join the believers’ souls till I ask you about in the day of jusgment.)[1]

[1] Majma’ Az-Zawaed and the Source of Benefits, Book 3, Hadith No. 3932.