الآية رقم (28) - لِمَن شَاء مِنكُمْ أَن يَسْتَقِيمَ

(28) - (For whoever wills among you to take a right course. (28))

No one will benefit from this reminder unless to be a seeker for straightness, the religion is but the straightness.

Abi Ali As-Surry said: “I saw the Prophet (saws), so I said to him: O’ Messenger of Allah, it is narrated that you said: “I have gone gray” He (saws) said: “Yes”. I said: What has made you gone gray? Is it the stories of the Prophets and the nations’ destruction? He (saws) said: “No, but Allah’s saying: (So remain on a right course as you have been commanded”[1] (Hud: 112)

Thus, straightness is to bear the consequences of following the reminder. That is why the Holy Qur’an unified that course and made straightness the path and the aim. However, people’s preparation for that and accepting it has a special will. About this Allah (swt) says in this verse: (For whoever wills among you to take a right course. (28)).

It is not by force rather by choice. It is a method presented to hearts and minds, if it meets purity and willingness, then, it enters the heart, and the mind is convinced with it, otherwise, it does not.

[1] Shuab Al-Iman, chapter of Surah Hud, hadith No. 2439