الآية رقم (11) - أَئِذَا كُنَّا عِظَامًا نَّخِرَةً

(11) - (Even if we should be decayed bones? (11))

Those who are discussing, arguing and dialoguing with the believers, scientifically, by saying:  How can the body of the human being return as it was after it has decomposed in the soil? It is known that the human body is made up of 16 elements, such as Magnesium, Calcium and more. These elements have disintegrated and resolved in the soil. How then will they return?

Naturally, they do not believe in the fact of the word (Kun) which means (Be!). However, even scientifically, we can answer that it is true that these 16 elements have disintegrated. But, each human being has a proportion of the composition of these elements. Just like the fact that every human being has a fingerprint that differs from anyone else, the compositional proportion of these elements in the body of every person is different from that belonging to someone else. This is a hereditary identity buried together with the human being. Therefore, when Allah (swt) says (Kun) Which means (Be!), these proportions will return to these elements to form this human being.