الآية رقم (3) - وَلَا يَحُضُّ عَلَى طَعَامِ الْمِسْكِينِ

(3) - (And does not encourage the feeding of the poor. (3)

This is the second characteristic of the those who denies the Recompense, the first one was driving away the orphan.

When an orphan or a poor come to you while you do not have anything to give them, the least you do is to encourage others to give them, this is the weakest of faith.

These deeds are kind of worships that the Holy Qur’an tells us about, they are economic and social worships, as if, encouraging the feeding and helping of the poor, passing the good things to others and applying the social solidarity among the members of society is one of the basis of doctrine principles regarding the worships relate to economic and society.

Then, the Surah moves to another kind of worship that is the prayer, which is the pillar to other acts of worship: